

Good morning, I hope that your week is going well. As a nation we are about to celebrate Thanksgiving. A time that brings many together sharing in family  traditions that have been pass from one generation to another. As we enter into this celebration let us give thanks a praise to our God. For let us shout joyfully to Him, all the earth. And may we serve Him with jubilation and come before Him with rejoicing. Know that YHWH Himself is God. It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Therefore enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courtyards with praise. Give thanks to Him bless His name. For He is so good, His mercy is outside our understanding and is everlasting and His faithfulness is for ALL generations. As you celebrate your thanksgiving, be sure to give thanks to our God for His goodness. You think about that. Have a GREAT day and may you enjoy time with your family in this day of thankfulness that's before us. Blessings to you all!