"Looking Within"


Good morning I hope and pray that you had a GREAT week. Today's message "Looking Within" For as one takes care of the wellness of their body, they should also be diligent to take care of the soul. For the soul is the spiritual part of one believed to survive death and be subject to happiness or misery in a life to come. When was the last time you prayed to our God and asked him to search your heart "soul" and try you and know your thoughts and to see if there be any grievous way in you, and ask Him to lead you in the way of everlasting. I want to encourage you to take a moment in your meditation time to search your heart. For this is a great start to providing wellness to the soul. And let us not forget that those who seek will find and those who ask will receive. You think about that. Have a GREAT day and may you bless and encourage many along the way. And be sure to make time for some R&R "Rest & Reflection" over the weekend!