"Capable & Equipped"


Good morning, I hope and pray that your week is going well. Today's message "Capable & Equipped" For the one who is capable and equipped is competent and is provided with whatever is needed for use or for any undertaking. If we want to be equipped in our understanding and knowledge of the word of our God, we must make a conscious effort in doing so. The word tells us that all scripture is inspired by our God and is beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness so that the man or woman of YHWH may be fully capable, equipped for every good work. Are you capable and equipped for the good work that our God has in store for you? Are you making a conscious effort to increase your understanding and knowledge of our God's instructions? The world is quick to offer solutions to many problems, but we must be sure that the solutions provided align with the instructions of our King. Therefore we need to equip ourselves and be steadfast in the Bible. I pray that the word of our God will be a lamp to your feet and light to your path. Have a GREAT day and may you bless and encourage many along the way! 

= Basic

I = Instructions 

B = Before 

L = Leaving 

E = Earth