

Good afternoon, I hope and pray that your week is going well. I have made a decision to pull back from writing the daily message.  I have been writing the daily message for a few years now. I have come to a season in my life that I feel in my heart that I must focus on what the Spirit of our God wants for me. In the past year, I found myself reading the word in search of a message rather than allowing the Spirit to direct and speak to me.  By nature, I'm not a writer, but praise be to our God for empowering me to write the daily messages.  I'm going to regroup and as I feel led to share I will do so. I ask that you pray for me. I'm asking that YHWH will lead and direct me in the new season that is before me. Yesterday I read the story of Joseph the son of Israel and how his brothers resented him and I felt led today to share what was placed on my heart. Praise be to our God!   

Todays message "Resentment" Resentment describes a negative emotional reaction to being mistreated. There is no one cause of resentment, but most cases involve an underlying sense of being mistreated or wronged by another person. In my devotion yesterday I read the story of Joseph, He was one of Jacob's 12 sons. His father loved him more than any of the others and gave him a colored cloak. His brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery. He was taken to Egypt and eventually became steward to Potiphar, and over time then became second in command to Pharaoh over Egypt. His victories didn't come without suffering, first sold as a slave,  falsely accused and imprisoned and many years that passed that he didn't see his father or younger brother, who he loved dearly. One would think he would be bitter and become resentful. But because of the heart he had for YHWH, he seen things differently. When the famine came over all Egypt and the land were Josephs father and brothers lived they were forced to go to Egypt and face their brother Joseph who was in control of the distribution of grain. When Joseph seen his brothers, he recognized them but they didn't recognize him. He provided them with grain and questioned them about their father and younger brother who at the time wasn't' with them. He told them that they couldn't return for more grain unless they brought their younger brother with them. And all during this time they never knew that it was Joseph their brother who they sold off to be a slave. Over time they had to return, they needed more food and they knew they had to bring their younger brother in order to receive more food. This was per Josephs request. When they returned Joseph had his people prepare a dinner for them. And this is when he reveal himself as their brother Joseph. He wept and hugged them. He rejoiced that his father was still alive and that he was able to provide for them in such a time of need. One may think that he would be resentful towards them. Lets face it, they wanted to kill him and ended up selling him off as a slave. But because of the heart Joseph had for YHWH, he was grateful for what had happen. He told his brothers that it was God's plan, and because of his past, it has placed him in a position to be able to help them and the others through the seven year famine. Maybe its time that you examine your heart. If you are angry and have bound up resentment maybe its time to be free of it. Maybe God is using people or a difficult situation in your life for reason. We must maintain our trust in him and allow him to continually work on our heart. He may have great plan to use you in a mighty way just as he did with Joseph. You think about that. Have a great day and may you bless and encourage many along the way. Blessings to you my friend!