"Living For The Return"


Good morning, its hard to believe that another month has past. For time is like a vapor that vanishes right before our eyes. Today's message "Living For The Return" For our God says that He is the Alpha and the Omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. As children of the Almighty we have been instructed that we are to occupy the time we have been given. The quest for all of us is, "how are we occupying that time . For we know that there is no guarantee for tomorrow, and that each day is a gift and a blessing. For we are only making a passing through this world and we must stay focused on the things that matter and have eternal value. I leave you with this question, "If our Messiah was to return today, would the things that your focused on honor and glorify Him? You think about that? Have a GREAT day and may you bless and encourage many along the way!